Law, Criminology and Politics
Curriculum statement – Law, criminology and Politics
A student of law, criminology or politics has an interest in current affairs and has a strong sense of justice. They are able to articulate an opinion based on evidence and recognise that there may be other contrasting opinions. They relish the opportunity to engage in the dialectic and have a curiosity in the way the law has developed over time. They are logical and critical and will have developed the ability to construct an argument based on a limited set of information, whilst simultaneously, identifying the gaps in knowledge and the questions that need to be asked. Students of law and politics will be independently minded and will seek out new knowledge and enjoy the challenge of sharing this with others.
Therefore, the intent of the Politics and Law curricula is to develop this knowledgeable, reflective, critical and confident individual who has a passion for justice, human rights and is empowered to tackle issues throughout their life in a personal or vocational capacity.
The Law curriculum will:
encourage the development of the Academy’s values: wisdom, curiosity, generosity, courage and passion
ensure that students are intellectually stimulated, challenged, and guided to ensure that they can develop character which will provide a springboard to development:
at a personal level, to develop self-worth, gratitude, self-discipline, honesty and humility.
at a socio-political level to develop students who engage in the democratic process; who will identify and tackle injustice, to promote and build on human rights and work collaboratively to resolve problems.
At an economic level to help students consider vocations that genuinely build on their vocational aspirations
Provide a coherent knowledge base that is contemporary, informed, powerful, transferable which enables students to develop an understanding of the complexity of law and to be able to apply this understanding to relevant situations.
Provide a meaningful experience based on liberal notions of education that can be used to build wider opportunities to maximise the aspirations of the individual in society
Recognise and reward student activities that demonstrate a willingness to rise to the wider challenges and looks beyond development for self-interest but works to build social capital.
To implement the intended curriculum, a number conceptual and organisational frameworks are used:
Curriculum flightpaths identifies key knowledge and skills throughout KS3-5
Departmental SOWs balance knowledge and skills, carefully building components to create composite learning
Departmental curriculum review frameworks which supports the review of the curriculum offer and assessment practice.
Maximising Learning provides a supportive framework for the wider development of effective pedagogical approaches.
Language for Learning provides a framework to create and refine successful approaches to the teaching of Reading, Writing and Speaking.
Maximising Effectiveness provides a suite of CPD opportunities for staff within the academy to further generate an enthusiasm for and enjoyment of their professional practice.
The department’s continued focus on the curriculum improves:
- The relevance and impact of the learner experience
The quality of education for all learners and groups of learners
Knowledge and skills development and students
Chances for student to move successfully onto the next stage of their lives.
Develops cultural, economic and societal capital to become citizens of the world