Governors' Statement
Our Governors
Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about our Academy governors and the work of the Academy governing body.
The Academy governing body is totally committed to supporting the Academy in our quest for continual improvement. We believe that by working together, and always expecting the best, we can attain the highest possible standards of our students developing our aim of learning for life.
The Governor's role
As governors we have three roles:
◦ To be strategic not operational
This involves understanding and addressing what is best for the Academy in the context of current Government Policy most particularly for today but also with an eye on the future.
◦ To act as a critical friend in the development of the Academy
This means knowing the academy and asking good questions that search out what is really going on.
◦ To be accountable
Accountable to students and parents particularly but also to the whole Academy community.
Working together
Our Academy vision is:
‘To be an outstanding education facility’
This is about everyone - parents, staff, governors and the wider Academy community - working in partnership to ensure that every student can be successful and reach their full potential.
To achieve this, and to carry out our role as governors effectively, we need to:
◦ Know what issues are important to you, so that we remain responsive.
◦ Ensure that you know what issues the governors are discussing, so that we remain accountable.
Keeping in touch:
The website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of Academy life. After you have gone through the normal Academy channels, if you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to us.
There are lots of ways of sharing your views with us. We can be contacted by letter, telephone or e-mail through the academy, and there will be specific opportunities throughout the academy year to hear from you and keep in touch.
Becoming a Governor
Being an Academy governor is an important role, but you do not need to have knowledge or experience of the world of education. What you do need to bring is: an ability to work with others; patience and enthusiasm; a willingness to learn; a commitment to working openly and democratically; and, most importantly a willingness to spend what time you can offer getting involved in Academy life.
What is important for the Academy, is that individual governors have different skills that when added together make up a well-rounded team. Our governors spend time each month contributing to Academy life: attending meetings, undertaking training, visiting the Academy, participating in Academy events and much more.
The most important thing to note is that governors are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas. However much we may differ in our opinions and experiences we are united by our commitment to the academy and the responsibility we share for its long-term success. In short, we have a common purpose. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming an Academy governor, please get in touch with any of our governors or via the website.
How we work
The full governing body meets at least once during each school term and it makes the key decisions. To help with its work, the governing body has established a Finance & General Purpose sub-committee to which certain responsibilities have been delegated. This committee also meet once a term normally before the full governors meeting so that they can feed back the work they have been doing to the full board.
As well as these meetings, governors visit the Academy when the students are there, at least once each term, to find out how the Academy works, to meet staff and students and to get to know them. Each governor in addition has a specific area of interest such as: Teaching & Learning, Achievement, Behaviour and Safety, Special Educational Needs, Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) and Leadership & Management.
Miss V Hammond
Chair of Governors