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A Level Chemistry

Over the two years students will study topics related to the three main areas of Chemistry. This will extend their understanding from GCSE and introduce new areas of study.

Physical Chemistry

Topics include atomic structure, bonding, rates of reaction, acids and pH, chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics.

Inorganic Chemistry

Topics are related to understanding patterns in the Periodic Table, complex ions and chemical tests.

Organic Chemistry

Topics are related to homologous series such as carboxylic acids and amines, polymer structures and analytical techniques used in identifying organic compounds.

Across all three areas students will develop their practical skills and use their understanding of Chemistry to analyse and evaluate experimental work.

Why Study A Level Chemistry?
The course allows students to study in more detail how the world around them works. Students will develop their analytical and problem solving skills, and learn new laboratory techniques. The course is a stepping stone to further study in Chemistry, Medicine, Biology and other related sciences, but is not exclusively for students intending to pursue a future in science.

Strong Subject Combinations

Possible Further Study and Degree Courses
Chemical Engineering
Food Science/Nutrition
Forensic Science
Pharmaceutical Science 
Vetinary Science