RAF Cranwell Oct 2015

On 8th October 2015, 24 students and staff from The Priory Ruskin Academy attended the Sir Isaac Newton schools lecture at RAF College Cranwell. Ruskin Engineering students, Cadets and 6th Form students took front row seats in Whittle Hall to join over 400 students from Lincolnshire schools to listen to a captivating lecture from Professor Mark Miodownik.
On 8th October 2015, 24 students and staff from The Priory Ruskin Academy attended the Sir Isaac Newton schools lecture at RAF College Cranwell. Ruskin Engineering students, Cadets and 6th Form students took front row seats in Whittle Hall to join over 400 students from Lincolnshire schools. They were all there to listen to a captivating lecture from Professor Mark Miodownik from the Institute of Making, on how materials development has significantly influenced the World around us and will continue to do so by helping mankind to make even more amazing advances in the future. From the humble beginnings of the discovery of glass, leading to major advances in science and engineering, Mark enthralled the audience by talking about new materials such as bio-glass and active materials for use in health and medicine, and offered his view of a future involving self-healing and replicating buildings!