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Guide Dogs Charity Visits Ruskin

On Monday 16th September Ruskin welcomed Bryan and Barclay to the Academy to highlight to students the work our fundraising for the Guide Dogs supports. Bryan lost his sight when he was 11 years old but it was not until he was in his 40s that he got his first guide dog. The dogs he has had have transformed his life – making him feel safer, enabling him to get out and about and providing wonderful companionship. Barclay is 6. He demonstrated his exceptional training and calm, intelligent and thoughtful nature throughout talks and demonstrations but don’t be fooled… Bryan informed us that when Barclay’s lead is off and he knows he’s ‘off duty’ he’s apparently quite loopy!



Barclay proved to be an incredibly popular guest and had a queue of students and students waiting to pet him at break time. Thank you so much to Bryan, Barclay and Guide Dogs for coming in and giving students first hand insight into the challenges of being visually impaired and the wonderful work Guide Dogs do to ensure people maintain independence.