Ruskin's New Pavilion Officially Opened
On Friday 8th June Ruskin’s new Sixth Form Pavilion was officially opened by Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders. The stunning new building has classrooms, study rooms and a café style restaurant, providing essential additional space and facilities as the academy’s Sixth Form continues to expand and flourish.
The celebration, attended by current Sixth Form students, members of staff, governors, as well as Headteachers and board members from the Priory Federation of Academies Trust, featured speeches from students, Amelia Stewart and Callum Boyle , and a beautiful vocal performance from Sophie Spilsbury. Ian Jones, CEO of the Priory Federation of Academies Trust, addressed the audience commenting on Ruskin’s ‘infectious passion for all it does’ and how the new building would now give ‘more space for Ruskin students to express that passion in their endeavours’. Rachel Wyles, Headteacher, spoke recognising the ‘fantastic build’ but stressed that it was ‘the values and spirit housed within that really makes Ruskin’. Guest of honour, Geoff Barton said he was ‘honoured’ to officially open the new Sixth Form Pavilion at Ruskin; a ‘stunning community school with wonderful students, staff and ethos’.