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  • Newsletter - February 2018

    Published 09/02/18

    Our latest newsletter is now ready to download. Please click here to see what's been happening this term at Ruskin.

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  • Rotary Swimarathon

    Published 05/02/18

    Well done to all Ruskin students who took part in the Grantham Rotary Swimarathon on Saturday morning. Students managed to swim a total of 902 lengths and the atmosphere in the Meres was thanks to our supporters!

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  • Young Americans To Return To Grantham

    Published 19/01/18

    After the immense success of our 2016 workshop and show, the Young Americans are returning to the Meres Leisure Centre in Grantham on March 6th and 7th 2018.

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  • Ruskin's commitment to the arts and cultural education recognised with prestigious Artsmark Gold Award

    Published 15/01/18

    We are delighted that Arts Council England has officially awarded The Priory Ruskin Academy the Gold level Artsmark award in celebration of our commitment to arts and cultural education at a leadership level and the opportunities embedded across the Academy. The award recognises that our students have equal opportunity to plan, experience, participate in, and evaluate a diverse range of high-quality arts and cultural activities, as well as our partnerships with a wide variety of arts and cultural organisations.

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  • Newsletter - December 2017

    Published 19/12/17

    Our latest newsletter is now ready to download. Please click here to see what's been happening this term at Ruskin.

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  • Outstanding Ofsted Inspection Report for The Priory Ruskin Academy

    Published 14/12/17

    We are delighted to announce that Ruskin has been judged “outstanding” following our recent Ofsted inspection. The Academy was praised by inspectors for its “ambitious culture that encourages all pupils to achieve very highly, both academically and in their personal development”. The inspectors found teaching to be of “high quality” and noted the “passion that pupils should achieve well” resulting in students making “very strong progress across the curriculum”. Student behaviour was commended with inspectors stating that “Pupils’ behaviour is excellent” and that “Pupils are highly ambitious. They want to do well”. Inspectors recognised the rounded nature of students’ educational experience at the Academy noting the “wide ranging extra-curricular and enrichment activities” as well as the benefit students get from the Academy’s commitment to spiritual, moral , social and cultural development. An accolade to the Academy’s culture, the inspectors judged that “crucial to pupils’ outstanding personal development, behaviour and welfare” is “the culture of respect and the positive relationships that underpin the school’s work”.


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  • Sixth Form Open Evening

    Published 28/11/17

    Ruskin’s Sixth Form Open Evening was held on Thursday 23rd November. It was incredibly well attended by prospective Sixth Form students and their families and there was obvious excitement at the prospect of joining at a time that will see our brand new Pavilion open. The brand new development is looking amazing and will provide the Academy with some fantastic additional facilities and will be home to our Sixth Form.

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  • Movember Fundraising

    Published 28/11/17

    In true Ruskin style, Mr Webb did things a little differently this year as he continued his annual endeavour to raise awareness of, and money for, the Movember Foundation. Rather than growing a moustache like many others across the country, Mr Webb decided to draw attention to the one he already has…by asking students to vote for which colour he should dye it! It came as no surprise that the overwhelming majority went for….BRIGHT PINK!

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  • Children In Need 2017

    Published 28/11/17

    Ruskin raised well over £1000 for Children in Need in November. Students were invited to pay £1 to wear non-school uniform for the day - always a popular fundraising initiative!

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  • Remembrance Service 2017

    Published 10/11/17

    It was incredibly moving to see the entire Academy come together for our Remembrance Service on November 10th. It is not always easy to bring together whole schools at once but there are certain occasions throughout the year when we feel it is essential, and our Remembrance Service in one of the most poignant.

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  • Charter of the Forest

    Published 10/11/17

    On 6th November 2017, the 800th anniversary of the 1217 Charter of the Forest, the Academy joined thousands of people around the nation who have signed up for the new Charter for Trees, Woods and People. This was initiated in 2015 by the Woodland Trust in response to the crisis facing trees and woods in the UK. The charter will bring new rights for people in the UK to enjoy the benefits of trees, woods and forests.


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  • Newsletter - October 2017

    Published 02/11/17

    Our latest newsletter is now available.

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