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  • Year 8: Paris Trip

    Published 21/03/19

    On 13th March, Year 8 French students left the Academy in the early hours of the morning for a 3 day trip to Paris. The visit was packed with excursions such as  the Arc de Triomphe, a trip to the top of the Montparnasse Tower, a stop at the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa, a guided tour around Paris with entry to Notre Dame and the Fragonard Perfumerie where students were shown how perfume was made.

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  • Big Bang Show March 2019

    Published 15/03/19

    On Wednesday 13th March a group of keen Ruskin Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths students visited the NEC to attend The Big Bang Show. The students engaged in and enjoyed many ‘hands on’ opportunities provided by dozens of universities, businesses, colleges and schools from around the country. From coding to building air powered dragsters with the Bloodhound Land Speed Record Team, from medical procedures to working in deep sea conditions with members of the Armed Forces, controlling lunar vehicles a million miles away to finding out how far it is possible to travel on one litre of petrol.

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  • SOS Fashion Show

    Published 08/03/19

    Our annual SOS fashion show, held on Monday 4th March, was a well-attended and fun filled evening as always. With all proceeds from ticket sales going to Fairview Farm (Grantham and District Mencap), we were  delighted to welcome some residents and members of staff to the event.

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  • PSHE Day - March 2019

    Published 07/03/19

    Ruskin’s termly PSHE day took place on Wednesday 6th March. Students were all off their normal timetables  and instead engaged in a wide variety of important and relevant topics specific to their age group. Deforestation, addiction, Brexit, overcoming adversity,  importance of sleep, teamwork, democracy, healthy lifestyles, setting up a company….all angles of life were covered.

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  • ‘Epic Adventure' - Ruskin Safari, Feb 2019

    Published 27/02/19


    Year 11 photographers recently returned from Kenya. From the Great Rift Valley and Lake Nakuru to the incredible Masai Mara you cannot fail to be touched by the genuine warmth and friendliness of the Kenyan people, the vast stunning landscapes that take your breath away and the spectacular wildlife that is unrivalled anywhere else in the world - a photographers dream!


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  • Iceland Trip 2019

    Published 14/02/19

    Ruskin GCSE and A Level geographers headed to Iceland at the start of February for a breath-taking trip that is sure to remain with them for many years to come.  Iceland is one of the few places in the world where you can visit and interact with a tectonic plate boundary offering chances to study how tectonics operate and affect people’s lives.  During the trip they were able to visit and observe geographical processes across natural hazards, energy demands, coasts, rivers and physical geography topics, common to both the A Level and GCSE courses they are studying.


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  • Term 2 Newsletter

    Published 20/12/18

    The end of another busy term! We hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter.

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  • Academy Marks Remembrance Day

    Published 09/11/18

    The entire student and staff body gathered together on Friday 9th November to honour the fallen in our Remembrance Parade on this important centenary year.



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  • UKMT Senior Team Maths Challenge

    Published 05/11/18

    On Friday 2nd November, four of our most talented mathematicians travelled to LSST in Lincoln for a regional heat of the UKMT Team Maths Challenge.

    The four students worked brilliantly within all three extremely challenging rounds:


    1. The Group Round: Ten questions which teams have around 40 minutes to solve. Teams must decide their own strategy: work in pairs, as a group or individually.

    2. The Cross Number: This is similar to a crossword but with numerical answers. Teams work in pairs, with one pair having the across clues, and the other pair having the down clues.

    3. The Shuttle Round: Teams compete against the clock to correctly answer a series of four questions. Each team is divided into Pair A (given Questions 1 and 3) and Pair B (given Questions 2 and 4). Question 1 can be solved independently of the others, but the answer to each subsequent question is dependent on the previous answer.



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  • Term 1 Newsletter 2018-19

    Published 19/10/18

    Welcome to the newsletter for term 1. There has been so much going on this term and term 2 looks set to be even busier!

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  • Academy Celebrates Best GCSE Results Ever

    Published 23/08/18

    The Priory Ruskin Academy is celebrating its best GCSE results to date with more students than ever achieving the key English and Maths measure of grade 4 and above. Subjects across the board have seen excellent levels of success under the new GCSE specifications with grade 9s achieved in Sciences, English, Maths , Languages, Arts and Humanities.



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  • Academy Celebrates A Level Results

    Published 16/08/18

    The Priory Ruskin Academy is celebrating another excellent set of KS5 results this year as Sixth Form students reap the rewards of their hard work over the last 2 years.


    Notable achievements include:

    Oliver Coleman A*,A*, A who will go on to study Engineering at Imperial College London

    Adam Garnett A, B, B who will join the University of Nottingham studying Computer Science

    Kieran Wallace Dis, Dis, Dis who is going to study Law at the University of York

    Vala Pavlik Dis*, A, B, C who will join the University of Bristol studying Law

    Lily Dixon A, B, B who is going to Sheffield Hallam University

    Muhammed Ahmed A, B, B, B who will take a gap year

    Ahkin Bautista A, B, B, B who is considering his options for which university he will attend in September

    Millie Stewart Dis*, Dis*, Dis who will study  Sports Coaching at Leeds Beckett University

    Adam Sulik who will attend the University of Leeds to study Sports Science and Physiology

    Ryan Taggart who will study Accounting and Finance Management at Loughborough University




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