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  • Guide Dogs Charity Visits Ruskin

    Published 16/09/19

    On Monday 16th September Ruskin welcomed Bryan and Barclay to the Academy to highlight to students the work our fundraising for the Guide Dogs supports. Bryan lost his sight when he was 11 years old but it was not until he was in his 40s that he got his first guide dog. The dogs he has had have transformed his life – making him feel safer, enabling him to get out and about and providing wonderful companionship. Barclay is 6. He demonstrated his exceptional training and calm, intelligent and thoughtful nature throughout talks and demonstrations but don’t be fooled… Bryan informed us that when Barclay’s lead is off and he knows he’s ‘off duty’ he’s apparently quite loopy!



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  • Year 9: Duke of Edinburgh Information Evening

    Published 11/09/19

    A Duke of Edinburgh information evening will take place on Thursday 26th September at 5pm in the Great Hall.

    The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is nationally recognised, encourages students to work as part of a team, develop a range of life skills, manage their time effectively and grow more confident through all of the activities that they will engage in.   

    The evening will last for approximately one hour and both parents and students are invited.



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  • GCSE Joy for Ruskin Students

    Published 22/08/19

    Staff and students at The Priory Ruskin Academy are celebrating their GCSE results which have seen progress improve as well as a number of outstanding individual successes.

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  • Ruskin Celebrates A-Level Results

    Published 15/08/19

    Staff and students at The Priory Ruskin Academy are celebrating today with an excellent set of A-Level and applied vocational subject results which have seen an increase in progress.


    Notable successes include Alastair Wills who will be studying Geography at The University of Nottingham, Katie Wallace, studying Law at the University of Exeter, and Brooke Woolmer, who achieved Distinction *  in Law, a grade A in English Language and a grade A in Sociology.


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  • Newsletter - Summer 2019

    Published 19/07/19

    Our latest newsletter can be downloaded here.

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  • Oxford University Step Up Programme

    Published 05/07/19

    We are delighted that Ruskin has been selected, as 1 of 30 schools in the country, for the Oxford University Set Up programme. This means that next year New College, one of the largest of Oxford University’s colleges, will be working with our Year 10 and 11 students on university applications and choosing the right A levels.

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  • Rosie Wins Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year

    Published 10/06/19

    Ruskin Student, Rosie Milner, swept the board at the Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year Awards on Friday 24th May hosted by Lincoln University. Wowing the judges with her innovative eco-friendly product packaging, the A-Level Graphic Communication student won three categories: Best Product Design, The Adobe Prize (awarded by the Head of Adobe Software) and the main prize of Lincolnshire Young Designer of the Year 2019.


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  • Ruskin Welcomes Survivor From the Holocaust Educational Trust

    Published 22/05/19

    On Wednesday 22nd May staff and students at Ruskin were honoured to welcome Simon Winston and hear his first hand testimony as a Holocaust Survivor.

    His talk was followed by a question and answer session to enable students to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit is part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme, which is available to schools across the UK.

    Simon, was born in 1938 in a small town called Radzivillov, then part of Poland, now in the independent state of the Ukraine. Simon, his mother and father, and his brother were forced to live in a ghetto and Simon experienced much brutality there. However, Simon and his family were able to escape from the ghetto where they went into hiding at a farm. They lived in very cramped conditions. When they were told they had been freed and the war was over, Simon and his family became refugees and spent two years in a Displaced Persons Camp before moving to England. Simon has remained in England ever since, sharing his story in order to highlight the importance of learning from the past.



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  • Year 9: Truth In Justice Event

    Published 14/05/19

    On Tuesday 8th May, Year 9 GCSE Sociology students from The Priory Ruskin Academy attended an event organised by Just Lincolnshire in commemoration of the life of Stephen Lawrence. The event focused on the history of hate crime and how the Stephen Lawrence case changed policing and the impact that it had on the criminal justice system. Students watched performances from students from De Aston school and then had the opportunity to discuss what they had seen with students from other schools and professionals from the police, victim support, courts and hate crime organisations.

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  • Barcelona 2019

    Published 25/04/19

    The football and netball trip to Barcelona at the start of the Easter break was a huge success. Ninety students from Years 7-13 travelled to Spain where they enjoyed specialised training, lots of competitive match play, a tour of Nou Camp Stadium, the opportunity to watch a professional game and time to explore both Barcelona and Girona.

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  • Newsletter Spring 2019

    Published 05/04/19

    The newsletter for the spring term 2019 can be downloaded here. As always there has been so much going on at Ruskin - we hope you enjoy reading about some of the highlights.

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  • Year 7 Opal Coast Trip

    Published 29/03/19

    On 25th March , a group of 69 Year 7 students went on a French trip to the Opal Coast in Northern France for 3 days.

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