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  • Public Health England - 28th February

    Published 02/03/20

    We have received no new directives over the last 24 hours from central or local government.

    We continue to follow all the current guidance being provided by Public Health England, the NHS, the Foreign Office and the Local Authority’s Public Health team.

    We would again refer you to the page, entitled Public Health England Guidance, on your academy’s website under the Parents or School Information tab.

    The links are those which are updated by the government on a regular basis with its most recent information.

    We continue to ask students, families and staff to remain vigilant throughout this period. PHE says coronavirus presents as: “Flu-like symptoms including a fever, a cough, or difficulty breathing. The current evidence is that most cases appear to be mild.”

    Thank you for all your support during what has undoubtedly been a difficult week for everyone. We will, of course, pass on all relevant updates during the course of next week.

    Mr R Reeve
    Director of Welfare

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  • Public Health England - 27th February

    Published 27/02/20

    To ensure parents and carers can access the latest PHE guidance and the most up-to-date advice being issued by the NHS in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19), the academy website now has a specific page directing you to helpful and reliable information sources.

    This can be found at: www.prioryruskin/parents/pheguidance. These links are being updated with the most recent government information on a regular basis.

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  • Public Health England - 26th February

    Published 27/02/20

    Reference: Public Health England – Priory update 2

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  • Public Health England – 25th February

    Published 25/02/20
    As you may be aware from today’s news reports, the British government has updated its advice to travellers who have returned from northern Italy since 19th February. This follows the identified outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Lombardy and
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  • Rotary Provides Welcome Boost for DofE Award Scheme

    Published 14/02/20

    On Tuesday 11th February members of the Grantham Rotary Club visited  the academy to present a cheque for £1000 for the academy’s Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The welcome donation will be used to provide much-needed new equipment such as tents and cooking stoves for the upcoming expedition this summer.

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  • Ruskin Marks Holocaust Memorial Day

    Published 28/01/20

    On Monday 27th January staff and students at Ruskin joined people around the world to mark Holocaust Memorial Day, with the entire academy community coming together in our school corridors to hold a minute of silence. In recent weeks the academy has worked in conjunction with the Holocaust Educational Trust to ensure students really understand the significance of the day, what we are remembering and why it is so important to learn from it. This has been done by sharing powerful individual stories from the Holocaust – seeing the faces and hearing about the lives of some of the men, women and children who perished in the Nazi death camps.

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  • Christmas Newsletter

    Published 19/12/19

    Our most recent newsletter can be downloaded here

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  • Ruskin Named 26th Sporting State School 2019

    Published 22/11/19

    The nation's leading publication for sport in schools, School Sports Magazine, has released its top 100 state schools for sport in England…and Ruskin has placed 26th. This means Ruskin is in the top 1% of state schools for sport nationally. School Sports Magazine rankings are based on performance of competitive school teams across all age groups in a wide variety of national competitions. Noteworthy successes from  Ruskin for 2019 were:


    U16 Girls Table Tennis National Finals 4th place
    U16 Football ESFA Quarter Finalists
    U16 Football County Cup Semi-Finalists
    U15 Football District Winners
    U16 Netball District Winners
    U16 and U14 Boys Badminton Regional Finalists 3rd place
    Track and Field Cup Junior Boys Regional B Final Winners
    Track and Field Championships Junior Boys District Champions
    Gymnastics District Champions
    U13 Girls Football County Cup Finalists
    Lincolnshire Schools Golf Championships 2019 (Handicap 14-28) – Individual Girls winner and Girls event team winners

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  • Cadets Mark Remembrance Day

    Published 21/11/19

    On Remembrance Day cadets from across The Priory Federation of Academies Trust, travelled to the Whitehall Cenotaph in London to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women.

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  • Academy Awards Evening

    Published 15/11/19

    On Thursday 14th November Ruskin’s annual awards evening was held to celebrate the achievements of our students. This year’s awards were presented to students who best embody our academy values of: Wisdom, Curiosity, Generosity, Courage and Passion.

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  • Autumn Newsletter 2019

    Published 18/10/19

    Our latest newsletter, full of interesting articles about what has been going on at Ruskin since the start of term, can be found here.

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  • Ruskin Earns Stonewall School Champion Status

    Published 18/09/19

    We are delighted to announce that Ruskin has earned the Stonewall School Champion status. The new status demonstrates our ongoing commitment to equality and diversity and to celebrating differences. Tolerance is a key British value and is highly valued here at Ruskin.

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