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May 2019

  • Ruskin Welcomes Survivor From the Holocaust Educational Trust

    Published 22/05/19

    On Wednesday 22nd May staff and students at Ruskin were honoured to welcome Simon Winston and hear his first hand testimony as a Holocaust Survivor.

    His talk was followed by a question and answer session to enable students to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit is part of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme, which is available to schools across the UK.

    Simon, was born in 1938 in a small town called Radzivillov, then part of Poland, now in the independent state of the Ukraine. Simon, his mother and father, and his brother were forced to live in a ghetto and Simon experienced much brutality there. However, Simon and his family were able to escape from the ghetto where they went into hiding at a farm. They lived in very cramped conditions. When they were told they had been freed and the war was over, Simon and his family became refugees and spent two years in a Displaced Persons Camp before moving to England. Simon has remained in England ever since, sharing his story in order to highlight the importance of learning from the past.



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  • Year 9: Truth In Justice Event

    Published 14/05/19

    On Tuesday 8th May, Year 9 GCSE Sociology students from The Priory Ruskin Academy attended an event organised by Just Lincolnshire in commemoration of the life of Stephen Lawrence. The event focused on the history of hate crime and how the Stephen Lawrence case changed policing and the impact that it had on the criminal justice system. Students watched performances from students from De Aston school and then had the opportunity to discuss what they had seen with students from other schools and professionals from the police, victim support, courts and hate crime organisations.

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