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A Level Psychology

Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. The A level consists of study at year twelve and year thirteen. The qualification is linear and is therefore assessed at the end of year thirteen by way of multiple examinations.
Year 12 focuses on :
Introducing students to psychology by examining topics such as Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, and Psychopathology. In addition, students will be introduced to the different approaches to psychology such as: learning, cognitive, and humanistic. Research methods is also taught, however, the concepts learned in this area are applied to all areas of study within the course.
Year 13 focuses on:
A continuation of the areas studied in Year 12 with optional areas studied. Major issues and debates in psychology are introduce and include: Gender and culture in psychology, free will and determinism, the nature-nurture debate, and ethical implications of research. Optional areas of study are also covered and could include topics such as: relationships, gender, schizophrenia, forensic psychology, or addiction.
Why Study A Level Psychology
Psychology is a fascinating subject that is useful for progression to university and also for careers in; teaching, human resources social work, nursing, the civil service and public services

Strong Subject Combinations
English Literature
Any of the three Sciences

Possible Further Study and Degree Courses