SEN Staff Raise Money For Boccia Team
SEN staff, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Luczak raised over £1000 for the newly formed Boccia team in the Academy. Click on picture for full report.
After last terms success with the new Boccia team, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Luczak (SEN staff) realised the Boccia equipment they had in the Academy needed updating. So, Mrs Dixon and Mrs Luczak decided to try and raise enough money to buy a new specialised Boccia ramp, balls and case for the school team. In order to achieve this, they held a cake sale, nail painting, guess the weight of the cake, guess the sweets in the jar and collected spare change from Form groups and altogether, raised a massive £315.
Mrs Dixon’s husband also helped with the fund raising by opening a `Just giving page` on Facebook where friends, family and local businesses could donate. In total he raised a fantastic sum of £680. They raised enough money to purchase all of the Boccia equipment which the students are now enjoying. Thank you to everyone who supported this fund raising venture.