UKMT Senior Team Maths Challenge
On Friday 2nd November, four of our most talented mathematicians travelled to LSST in Lincoln for a regional heat of the UKMT Team Maths Challenge.
The four students worked brilliantly within all three extremely challenging rounds:
The Group Round: Ten questions which teams have around 40 minutes to solve. Teams must decide their own strategy: work in pairs, as a group or individually.
The Cross Number: This is similar to a crossword but with numerical answers. Teams work in pairs, with one pair having the across clues, and the other pair having the down clues.
The Shuttle Round: Teams compete against the clock to correctly answer a series of four questions. Each team is divided into Pair A (given Questions 1 and 3) and Pair B (given Questions 2 and 4). Question 1 can be solved independently of the others, but the answer to each subsequent question is dependent on the previous answer.
There was some tough competition from the other 15 teams – comprised of students from various local grammar, independent and comprehensive schools. Whilst we didn't win (congratulations to William Farr School who take that accolade and will be travelling to London for the National Final), it was a great event to test and challenge oneself and the students were fantastic. Congratulations to all involved.