Ruskin Celebrates Best Ever A Level Results
Ruskin is celebrating its best ever attainment at A level and level 3 vocational courses. At A level the overall pass rate was 100%, with very nearly three quarters at A*-C. The average grade in vocational BTEC courses is the top, Distinction*.
These achievements will allow all 59 students who have applied to progress to university. Amongst them, Aaron Emburey, who secured A*, A, B will be going to the University of Leeds to study Art & Design, Nathan Tang with A*, A*, B, B will be going to the University of Bath to study Economics and Mathematics. Shona Meadows, with Distinction * in Health & Social Care, is going to the University of Nottingham to study Nursing. Otilija Staseviciute with A*, A, Distinction* will be doing a degree in Architecture at Nottingham Trent.
Head of Sixth Form, Lee Steptoe, said, ‘This is real credit to the work ethic at Ruskin, amongst students and staff. With 200 post 16 students expected in September, we eagerly await moving into new state of the art bespoke facilities in January. This will only add to the vibrancy that is here for all to see.’