Charity event raises over £1000 for The Grantham Passage Jan 2016
Students at The Priory Ruskin Academy were delighted to present Mr Andy Maddison from The Grantham Passage with a cheque for £1003.40 on Friday (22nd January).
Raised by the Academy's hugely successful Festive Evening which was held in November, the money will be used by The Grantham Passage to help homeless and vulnerable people, providing them with hot food, clothing and assistance to access relevant agencies and community support. Mrs Vicki Geeson, Charity Coordinator at the Academy said, "The Festive Evening is an incredibly popular event at The Priory Ruskin Academy and brings together all elements of our local community. I am so grateful to everyone for their support and so pleased we raised such a great amount of money for a wonderful charity. The support from local businesses in particular is appreciated by all".